Sunday Services


CHANGE is everywhere. It can be an inevitable process (growing up/aging), a sudden and terrifying event (a lightning strike), or a deliberate choice to change our lives.

Can we learn to make our way through life’s changes with grace and courage?

Join us at 10 am Sunday, November 27, to reflect on changes we have faced, changes we have made, and the changes that are coming in our lives. Mike La Rue will lead First Parish of Northfield, Unitarian, in a Chalice Circle on this ever present topic. As with other Chalice Circles currently, this will be an in-person only service.

Announcements News & Events

Giving Tuesday

The Holiday Season is here again. 

A time to count our blessings, and express our gratitude. 

Dear Members and Friends of First Parish, 

Those warm days of November almost made us forget that winter is coming, but the shortening days will surely bring the cold and snow again this year. Soon festive wreaths will appear on the church doors, and we will be singing traditional carols, and lighting candles. 

Now is the time to give thanks: for the challenges the we have met successfully; for the help that we could give, and the help we have received; for food, shelter and community; for the music and words that have lifted us up when we were down; for the fellowship as we celebrate a new year ahead of us. 

Throughout 2022, we have found ways to continue to meet and support each other and the broader community. The purpose of this letter is twofold: To share highlights of the past year, and to invite you to support of the First Parish on Giving Tuesday (Nov. 29, 2022), Reflections on the year include: 

  • Hybrid services continue to provide the opportunity to our online attendees — some homebound nearby, some enjoying pajamas on a Sunday morning, and some in Maine and Alaska! 
  • A very successful tag sale was held on a glorious June day. Volunteers enjoyed each other’s company while moving precious items to new owners, finding new fans of our First Parish coffee and of course, our fabulous baked goods. 
  • We had a welcome back gathering in September, after the long summer break. Melissa shared words of inspiration, and everyone enjoyed each other’s company, and good food! 
  • The sign on the front lawn and the sign on the northeast corner of the building was professionally rehabilitated, in welcome and inspiration for the new year. Our beloved town clock has been attended to, and is keeping time. Soon it will ring every hour.
  • Indoor services were held inside (masked, with air purifiers on). We have appreciated a regular rotation of Melissa, Dan Tinen, Chalice Circles and outside guests leading services. New people and old friends have come to join us. 
  • The 12th annual Monster Dash 5k enjoyed record participation in October. The day was splendid after a cool and early start, participants turned up in record numbers with prizes for all. 
  • Our beloved friends at Picadilly Farm recently hosted the annual Lantern Walk, celebrating the end of another growing season and the shortening days. We enjoyed talking and walking in the dark, discovering a few seasonal water hazards, and returning to the warmth of the blazing fire, friendly community, hot cider and s’mores. 
  • We supported the Northfield Food Pantry, serving as their organizational umbrella, providing some financial aid, a few hardy regular volunteers, and some occasional ones. Again, we hosted the Thanksgiving Community Meal (a long First Parish tradition) which provides a free Thanksgiving meal with all of the trimmings for anyone. 

Behind the scenes, volunteers keep things humming along: scheduling services, keeping communications flowing, adapting to and monitoring our Covid situation, recalibrating RE for older and younger kids, maintaining the building and grounds, and helping out when someone needed a hand or a kind word. These dedicated volunteers continue to work to keep the church alive and well and an asset to the lives of our members and friends. 

Giving Tuesday is another opportunity for giving. We invite everyone to contribute and collectively meet the matching gift of $500 pledged by the First Parish Board of Trustees and friends. Please consider a gift to the church to supplement our fundraising efforts this year. To make a contribution, send a check or money order payable to First Parish of Northfield and addressed to the same, PO Box 158, Northfield, MA 01360. All funds will be directed toward sustaining our church so that everyone may benefit from its service into the future. 

We thank you for your faith and support during this trying period and rejoice that we have this remarkable parish to share together. 

In community and hope for all that can be, 

First Parish Board of Trustees 

Sunday Services

The Thanksgiving Address

The Thanksgiving Address, with Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer

Sunday, November 20, 10am, First Parish of Northfield, Unitarian

In Haudenosaunee tradition, the Thanksgiving Address is recited at the beginning of each day as well as at the beginning of many festivals and functions. As many in the United States look toward marking the holiday of Thanksgiving, let us respectfully reflect together about all there is for us to learn from this particular Indigenous gratitude practice. Our service begins at 10 am and people of all ages are invited to join together in person or connect with us on Zoom. The service will take place in person and online. All are welcome. Contact for the link to join online.

Sunday Services

Transformed by Grace

“Transformed by grace: Allowing curiosity to heal divisions among humans” is Eveline MacDougall’s theme for First Parish of Northfield’s Sunday service at 10 am on November 13. We welcome Eveline back to our pulpit. An author, musician, artist, teacher, actor, poet, journalist, and mom, she will share stories of interpersonal and spiritual healing, along with music featuring a number of different instruments.

The service will take place in person and online. All are welcome, wearing a mask. Contact for the link to join online.

Sunday Services

Faith, Hope, and Democracy

Sunday, November 6: Dan Tinen on “Faith, Hope, and Democracy”

Unitarian-Universalism is a religion that holds great faith in democracy. It’s one of our Principles and Purposes, it’s how our congregations are organized, it’s how our denomination governs itself. We vote on our budgets, our ministers, our public statements, even the statements of principle we covenant to affirm and promote.

But is our faith in the democratic process justified? In two days following this service The United States will hold its midterm elections, and our media are filled with messages of exaggerated fear, demonization of opponents, and slanted opinions in an effort to get our vote. This is enough to shake anyone’s faith. Sunday we will try to find signs of strength and hope in the midst of all this, and fortify ourselves for whatever may come.

The service will take place in person and online. All are welcome, wearing a mask. Contact for the link to join online.

Sunday Services

We Are

Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer, Ann Linge and members of First Parish, Unitarian, will lead a program titled “We Are – A Service of Remembrance and Hope” at the church on Sunday morning as well as online. This participatory service for all ages is inspired by the Catholic tradition of All Souls Day. We will honor our ancestors and loved ones who have died. You can participate by bringing a photo or object that reminds you of an ancestor or a loved one. Our Time for All Ages will give us a chance to honor some of our Unitarian Universalist ancestors who shaped this tradition we share. Poems and music will comfort and inspire us and together we will create an altar to honor the people and pets we lovingly remember. Contact for the link to join online.

Sunday Services


“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.’ You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

“Courage” is the theme for the Chalice Circle service at First Parish of Northfield, Unitarian, on Sunday, October 23. Ann Linge will lead a program of reflection and sharing on this repeating opportunity in our lives. The service begins at 10 am in person at the church in downtown Northfield. (There will be no Zoom call this week.)

Sunday Services

Courageous Uncertainty

There is so much we do not know. The longer we live, the more chances we get to practice befriending the uncertainty of our human being. Cultivating our capacity to be courageous can help us find our way. Come explore “Courageous Uncertainty” with us in this service for all ages, 10 am Sunday, October 16, led by Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer.

Midway through the service, Rev. Alison Cornish will host a discussion for youth about what they might hope or imagine for their own youth group.

This Sunday’s service will take place in person at First Parish of Northfield, Unitarian, on the corner of Parker and Main Streets, and online via Zoom. Contact for the link to join online.

Sunday Services

Heart Centered Kirtan

Join us in person or via Zoom as we REJOICE and RESONATE with some Heart Centered Kirtan in the acoustically superb sanctuary of First Parish Unitarian in historic Northfield, MA.

Heart Centered Kirtan for First Parish Northfield Unitarian

Sunday October 9 10:00 – 11:00 am In Person & Via Zoom

For Zoom link and password, email before 9:00 am Sunday!

Scroll down for COVID protocols.

Heart Centered Kirtan is a mantra music whose modern adaptation of the ancient practice of kirtan — a meditative and inspiring form of devotional call-and-response singing — weaves Sanskrit and Buddhist mantras into an original blend of modern musical styles. The band is Libby Volckening (keys/vox), Ezra Landis (guitar), Walker Landis (bass) and Owen Landis (percussion). Everyone is welcome. Come let the music clear your mind and soothe your heart.

About COVID protocols: > Masks are required. > Please be respectful of social distance with people not in your pod. > Please join us via Zoom if you have any symptoms, such as cough, fever, etc. ~OR~ if you have had recent exposure to someone with COVID. For Zoom link and password, email before 9:00 am Sunday!

Donations in any amount appreciated, and 100% will be forwarded to the church. Donate via HCKs website: Questions? Call/text 413-834-4524, email, or visit www [dot] heartcenteredkirtan [dot] com

Sunday Services

Bridge Over Troubled Waters

This Sunday, October 2, at First Parish of Northfield, Unitarian, Dan Tinen will speak on “A Bridge Over Troubled Waters.” Youth and young adults are experiencing high rates of depression and anxiety. What can society do to craft therapeutic communities that mentor and support those who are struggling with life? What do religious institutions have to offer in this crucial task? All are welcome to join the 10am, in-person gathering at the church on the corner of Parker and Main Streets in downtown Northfield. Contact for the link to join online.