Sunday Services

Sacred Spaces

What does it mean when we set a space apart from everyday use? Are some places “holier” than others? Or should we consider all of creation holy? Lay Reader Dan Tinen will lead us in examining how these concepts affect our choices in the material world…what buildings we build, what lands we set apart and what we use, and how we take care of them–like our beloved First Parish. Join us Sunday at 10 am in the sanctuary or on Zoom. To participate via Zoom, please send an e-mail to for a link.

Sunday Services

Heart to Heart

Heart to Heart, Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer 

Come, join us for a multigenerational service featuring stories, songs, poetry, and ritual in celebration of our relationships with the interdependent web of existence, of which we are all a part. Participate at 10 am Sunday, April 28, in person at the church, corner of Parker and Main Streets in Northfield, Massachusetts, or on Zoom. To participate via Zoom, please send an e-mail to for a link.

Sunday Services

Four Reminders of Buddhism

Sue Space will lead our church service on Sunday, April 14, talking about the traditional Four Reminders of Buddhism. The reminders are precious human life, impermanence, samsara (life as we know it), and karma (actions have consequences). The service will commence at 10 am in the sanctuary, First Parish of Northfield, corner of Parker and Main Streets, and will be available on Zoom. To participate via Zoom, please send an e-mail to for a link.

Sunday Services

Genetic Genesis

The biblical story of Adam and Eve portrays all humanity as sharing a common origin. Thanks to scientific research across the world, an even more interesting story of how humans spread across the earth and the challenges our ancestors faced and overcame is emerging. Dan Tinen will be here in person this Sunday, April 7, to lead a life-affirming service at 10 am. Please join us in person at First Parish in Northfield or on Zoom at 10am. To participate via Zoom, please send an e-mail to for a link.

Sunday Services

Easter as Transformation

Ann Linge will lead Sunday’s church service for First Parish Northfield. She has prepared a Chalice Circle focusing on the theme “Easter as Transformation.” Participants will be invited to reflect on the theme and share their own experiences of the Easter holiday. The service will begin at 10 am at the church on the corner of Parker Avenue and Main Street, Northfield.

Sunday Services

To Cross a Desert

Rev. Evin Carvill Ziemer will lead tomorrow’s service for First Parish under the title “To Cross a Desert.” The service begins at 10 am at the church and on Zoom. Rev. Evin will reflect on the story of Exodus and the challenges the escaping people faced after leaving Egypt and not yet finding a home. This service is appropriate for all ages and will center storytelling.

Please join us in person at First Parish in Northfield or on Zoom at 10am. To participate via Zoom, please send an e-mail to for a link.

Sunday Services

How Do You Hope to Be Transformed?

Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer: Sunday, 17 March 2024, 10 am

The nature of human being is to grow. We are always growing, changing, transforming. How do you hope to be transformed in your own life? How do you hope we will be transformed, collectively? And how can we contribute to transformation? These are some questions we shall consider this Sunday as we explore together the spiritual value of transformation. Please join us in person at First Parish in Northfield or on Zoom at 10am. To participate via Zoom, please send an e-mail to for a link.

News & Events

Spring into Spring with First Parish!

Sunday Services

Community Potluck & Story Sharing

On March 10, in place of our 10:00 AM, Sunday service, our church community will gather for an old-fashioned New England potluck. Delicious food will be seasoned with conversation, to share what we individually and collectively appreciate about First Parish.   We would like to personally invite you to join us.

Everyone, who has attended or been a member of the church, has a story to tell about what attracted them to this church building and its community. The date of your story does not matter, what does matter is that your voice be a part of the conversation.  These conversations will be valuable to guide First Parish as we strive to better serve our community.

We hope your schedule permits you to join us.  We would love to welcome you.

Sunday Services

Invisible Means of Support

Dan TinenInvisible Means of Support, Sunday, March 3 

A few months after I moved from California to Massachusetts in 1998, something happened that gave me a new insight into life in the country, and the people who live here.  I’ll tell you all about it from Seattle over Zoom to the sanctuary on Main Street.  Please join us at 10 am in person at the church or online. To participate via Zoom, please send an e-mail to for a link.

Topic: First Parish Northfield Sunday Service

Time: 10 am Sunday, March 3