Sunday Services

Joy: The Uncommon Religious Value

Continuing the October theme at First Parish of Northfield, Unitarian, The Rev. Alison Cornish will conduct this week’s service on “Joy: The Uncommon Religious Value” at 10 am Sunday, October 24. Describing the service, she says, “It’s fair to ask, given the steady stream of bad news that is delivered every day, what’s there to be joyful about? But what if the source of joy is embedded in our religious practices? And what if embracing joy is actually key to addressing the most stubborn of the ills we face in the world today? Come, let us rejoice, and strive to heal the world, too!”

Jenny Wooster will be leading RE this Sunday, as an all-ages group. After the Story for All Ages, children and youth will plant bulbs, and do other movement-based activities, so they can stay warm on a chilly Sunday morning!

The service will take place at the church, outdoors as weather permits, and by online videoconference. Send an email message fo to obtain the Zoom link. [Photo Credit: Fiona Bird]

Announcements News & Events

Fall Calendar of Events

News & Events

Do the Dash, the Monster Dash! 5K

WHAT: 11th Annual, fun, casual, self-timed 5K run, walk, or mountain bike

WHEN: Saturday Oct 30th 2021, 9:00 AM

START/FINISH: The Northfield Golf Club, 31 Holton St. Northfield, MA 01360

PARKING: Plenty of parking at the Northfield Golf Club

SIGN UP ONLINE: Sign up now to be guaranteed your door prize (first 75)! Race day signups accepted onsite; Pre-registration helpful to plan staggered start if needed.

COURSE MAP: (Course will vary a bit from this; Terry will post on Facebook once finalized)

COST: $15 Individual, $30 per family

BENEFICIARY: The Historic First Parish Unitarian Church of Northfield, MA

INCLUDES: Fast 5K, some spooky trails, crazy costumes, lots of laughs and good memories! Scary Pint Glasses courtesy of Mim’s Market!  Monster Dash Homemade pie!  Pumpkins courtesy of Patterson Farm, Picadilly Farm organic food bags/Items, homemade jams and jellies.

CONTACT: Questions? Suggestions? Want to Volunteer? Contact Terry (617)-504-2750  /


If COVID conditions/laws change, a staggered wave start will be employed. To help plan for that contingency, email Terry a preferred start time (between 9-11 AM): . Please mask pre & post race while under the tent or close to to others. (No need for mask during the run.)   

Sunday Services

Cultivating Joy

Joy is not a privilege. Joy is our birthright. What would shift in our lives if we claimed this blessing more often and more fully? How might we amplify and multiply opportunities for joy as a way of living more open hearted and connected lives? Come explore these questions in multigenerational community.

Children and youth will have an opportunity to plant bulbs around the church if they like as an embodiment of the theme of our service.

We will gather outside in the courtyard behind First Parish and concurrently online at 10am on Sunday. First Parish of Northfield, Unitarian’s Affiliated Minister Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer will lead this service.

For a link to the Zoom stream for “Claiming and Cultivating Joy,” send an email request to

Announcements News & Events

Betty Gibson

Below is some information about the memorial service for Betty Gibson, this Friday, October 15, 2021.

A public reception will take place at the West Northfield Playground, 687 Mt. Hermon Station Rd (Route 142), Northfield, from 3-5 PM.

Reverend Melissa Carvill-Ziemer will lead a time of remembrance and sharing, so that all may hear and share memories and tributes. She has asked that we share this note: “If there are people who are unable to attend, I’m very happy to receive remembrances to share on someone’s behalf.” You can reach Rev. Melissa by sending us a Facebook message, which we will forward on, or by emailing .

Our congregation will be assisting Betty’s family in the setup and cleanup of the reception, as well as offering coffee and tea service throughout. Anyone willing to pitch in could arrive a little early (about 2:00 or so at the reception site) and see what needs to be done – and then stick around to help clean up afterwards if they can.

Finally, here is a link to Betty’s obituary.

Thank you,

First Parish, Northfield

Sunday Services

Indigenous Peoples’ Day

On Sunday, October 10, at First Parish of Northfield, Unitarian, Ann Linge will lead a Chalice Circle service at 10 am outdoors in person, as well as on Zoom. We’ll explore common shared myths and messages, what we know or want to learn about Indigenous people of Northfield and surrounding communities, and how to understand current concerns and advocate with Indigenous people today. For a link to the Zoom stream, send a request to

Sunday Services

A Transformational Church

Lay reader Dan Tinen will lead the church service at First Parish of Northfield at 10 am on Sunday, October 3, with a sermon titled “A Transformational Church.” Questions raised by the service include: What is a ‘liberal church’? What do we have in common with other kinds of churches, and how are we different? Most importantly, what do we have to offer to a new generation? How do we set a course that’s effective in enlisting new ‘co-conspirators’ in bringing about the world we seek? Tinen says there are four important reasons for Gen Xers and Millennials to consider joining liberal congregations … and offers a caution about what to expect if they do.

The service will take place outdoors at the church, weather permitting, and also on Zoom. Request the Zoom link by email at .


Revised Covid Protocol at First Parish

Covid Statement:

First Parish Unitarian, Northfield, MA is happy to announce that we have resumed hybrid services (in person and on Zoom) in September 2021 and we will follow these guidelines:

1. We urge everyone who is eligible and able to get vaccinated for COVID to do so, and we offer our help to anyone who needs assistance in finding or accessing an appropriate vaccine. 

2. We request that everyone wear masks (if possible) in order to protect those are especially vulnerable, including our younger children who are not yet vaccinated.

3. We will meet outside weather permitting. When we meet indoors, some windows in the sanctuary will be open to improve airflow and reduce viral transmission. We are currently studying if other ventilation/ air filtering measures are necessary.

4. A remote option via Zoom will be offered for each service for those who wish to attend from home.

5. We will hold off on singing and opt to provide music via the web to reduce transmission and provide quality audio to our remote participants.

6. Coffee hour will not take place until conditions permit.

7.  We will monitor changing conditions and follow UUA guidance as well as local, state, and federal recommendations. A new committee – consisting of Jenny Wooster, Paul Bocko and Mike La Rue – will make any short-term Covid decisions for the church, if changing local conditions should require them.

Sept. 28, 2021

Sunday Services

Relationship, Pt. II

At First Parish of Northfield, Unitarian we will continue September’s theme of “Relationship” this Sunday. The Rev. Alison Cornish will lead us in examining the role of community in helping shape who we are as individuals. Patricia St. Onge notes, “The Western, and particularly U.S. frame of reference for identity is often, ‘I am; therefore, we are,’ and indigenous worldviews frame it as ‘we are, therefore I am.’” We’ll take a look at both of these worldviews, and ask – when might each serve us as individual, and also serve the greater good? What might be the role of religious community in helping us find our identities within the multiple communities to which we belong?

Our Sunday Service takes place at 10:00 am outdoors, weather permitting, at the church (corner of Parker Ave. and Main St., Northfield), and on Zoom. All are welcome to participate, including children and youth. If you are coming in person, please wear a mask and consider bringing a folding chair, if you can. Request a link for the Zoom link by email to [Artwork Credit: Shelby McQuilkin.]

Sunday Services


“Relationship” is the topic of the First Parish of Northfield’s Chalice Circle service this Sunday at 10 am by online videoconference. Ann Linge will lead the group in reflection and discussion of the topic, a foundational element of the human experience. “Relationship” is the beginning of a six-part program on Reconnection by the Unitarian Universalist Association’s Small Group Ministry. Questions for this Chalice Circle include: What does it mean to be in relationship? How are we in relationship with others? How do these relationships impact our lives? All are welcome to participate in this service. For the link, send a request to

For young people, there is a Woods Walk with a Native American guide! Arrival time for the walk is between 9:30 and 10 am, allowing time for adults to participate in the Chalice Circle. Contact Mary Mayshark-Stavely via for further information including location details.