Sunday Services

A Recipe for Resilience

“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” – Maya Angelou

On Sunday, December 5, at First Parish of Northfield, Unitarian, the topic of the Chalice Circle service will be “Resilience.” The service will begin at 10am with Ann Linge leading meditation and discussion on rebounding after difficulty.

The service will take place both in person and over Zoom. Those in person should wear masks and observe social distancing. The sanctuary has air filters and ventilation.

Contact for the online link. All are welcome!

Illustration by Monika Aichele

Announcements News & Events

Clockwork: Update

Update on the Town Clock atop the steeple of First Parish, from Brian Tanguay of Tanguay Jewelers: “Once the motor is fixed, the clock can be started and all 4 dials will tell time once again. It’s ready to go. The bell striking section will be the next step in the restoration. You should begin to hear the bell count the hours by next summer.” Great news! Thank you Brian!

Announcements News & Events

Faith Matters: The Practice of Hospitality

Our own Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer authored the “Faith Matters” column in the Greenfield Recorder on November 19.  Here is a link to the column for anyone who missed it.

Sunday Services

Mutual Regard

At First Parish of Northfield, Unitarian, the Rev. Alison Cornish will continue the November theme of “Bearing Witness” with a reflection on “Mutual Regard: The Practices of Witnessing” this Sunday, November 28, at 10am.

The service will explore how bearing witness means exposing ourselves to the suffering of the world in order to make wise decisions, activate our natural compassion, and awaken a sense of urgency.

In addition to a Story for All Ages as part of the service, religious education will continue with Jenny Wooster leading young people in a holiday craft activity.

The service will take place both in person and over Zoom. Those in person should wear masks and observe social distancing. The sanctuary has air filters and ventilation.

Contact for the online link. All are welcome!

Sunday Services

Bearing Witness

“Bearing Witness” will be the theme for a Chalice Circle service at First Parish of Northfield, Unitarian, this Sunday at 10 am. Jennifer Smith will lead the program of reflection and sharing. 

Unitarian Universalist religious educator CB Beal says that, “Bearing witness involves being present with someone else’s feelings, expressing empathy, without taking those feelings in or having to make them go away.” 

The service will take place both in person and over Zoom.  Those in person should wear masks and observe social distancing. The sanctuary has air filters and ventilation.

Contact for the online link. All are welcome!

Illustration by alicemoi/Getty Images

Sunday Services

After the Welcome

After the Welcome, a service led by Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer

Hospitality begins with welcoming. We open the door and welcome someone to come in. This Sunday, November 14 at 10AM, we will reflect on the part of hospitality that comes after the welcome – the part that calls us to really attend to the others in our lives so we can meet and make space for them as their whole selves.

People of all ages are invited to join us for this multigenerational service which will be held both in person (indoors) at First Parish and streamed on Zoom for those attending from home. Those in person should wear masks and observe social distancing. The sanctuary has air filters and ventilation.

Contact for the online link. All are welcome!

Announcements News & Events

Thanksgiving Meal 2021

As part of the Franklin County Community Meals Program (, First Parish Northfield, Unitarian is hosting a meal on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 25.

Between 3-5 PM, all are welcome to pick up a traditional turkey dinner at Trinitarian Congregational Church (TCC) on Main Street in Northfield.

To make sure this event is successful, we need your help!  If you would like to support with a donation, you can send a check to First Parish Northfield, PO Box 158, Northfield, MA 01360 and write “Thanksgiving” in the memo line. 

If you are interested in providing food, or have any questions, please email Ann Linge at  Happy Thanksgiving to all in our community!

Sunday Services

Educating Our Society

“Educating Our Society” will be the topic at First Parish of Northfield, Unitarian, this Sunday at 10 am. Lay reader Dan Tinen will lead the service. Tinen says of his sermon, “A good education forges new, unfamiliar paths in your brain and prunes away the false connections you might’ve already made. We are in a world that demands life-long learning from childhood through old age, but what lessons should we teach in our schools, churches, and in the media, and why?”

Religious education will be led by Jennifer Smith. The older youth will work together to bake a “take home” coffee hour treat and then enjoy some game time together in the RE room. Masks are required for indoor activities. Parishioners will gather in the church sanctuary wearing masks and with socially distanced seating, ventilation, and air filtration. In addition, the service will be cast via Zoom to home participants. To obtain the Zoom link for the Zoom call, send an email to

Announcements News & Events

Lantern Walk

Lantern Walk at Picadilly Farm. As the darkness of the winter season falls, our lanterns on this night are a symbol of the light we each shine into the world. We gather to light our lanterns and walk together in the darkness around the fields and woods. Hosted by the First Parish community, open to all.

Saturday, November 6, at Picadilly Farm, 264 South Parrish Road, Winchester:

5-6pm: Soup & bread outside by the fire

6-7pm: Walk

7-8pm: Dessert & company by the fire

Wear sturdy shoes, it will likely be a bit muddy. We have plenty of lanterns, or bring your own candle-lit lantern. Rain Date Sunday Nov 7th, with an hour earlier start. Questions? Or can you bring soup, bread or dessert to share? Contact

Sunday Services

Ode to Joy

First Parish of Northfield’s Chalice Circle service this Sunday, October 31, at 10 am will address the topic of “Joy.” Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Ann Linge will lead participants in reflecting on what brings us joy, and barriers to letting more joy into our lives. All are welcome to participate in this service.

The service will be held at the church (indoors) and over Zoom. Send an email message to to obtain the Zoom link.

Meanwhile, Jenny Wooster will lead an all-ages religious education session, including the making of paper lanterns for the Saturday, November 6 Lantern Walk at Picadilly Farm.

(The Lantern Walk is hosted by the First Parish community, open to all. As the darkness of the winter season falls, our lanterns on this night are a symbol of the light we each shine into the world. We light our lanterns and walk in the darkness around the fields and woods. More details on this event to follow.)