Sunday Services

Atlas Tripped

The worldwide losses of work time and workers from the COVID-19 epidemic illustrate some fundamental truths about the world economy, and simultaneously disprove a popular false narrative about what is valuable and what is overpriced. Will we learn how best to go forward, or cling to old ideologies that don’t serve the common good?

Lay Reader Dan Tinen will speak on this question at First Parish of Northfield, Unitarian, on Sunday, February 6. The service will begin at 11:30 am by Zoom videoconference.

For the link to participate in the service send a request to All are welcome!

EDIT: an earlier version of this post stated that the service was to begin at 10am. The correct start time is 11:30am.

Sunday Services

Guitar Journey

The classical guitar and its music will be the focus of the Sunday online church service for First Parish of Northfield, Unitarian, at 10 am on January 30. Teacher and performer Malgorzata Lach will describe the history of the guitar in words and music. Malgorzata is an adjunct teacher of guitar at Mount Holyoke College, belongs to the band Lavender Defense, and teaches private students. For the link to participate in the service send a request to All are welcome!

Sunday Services

Connection & Community

This Sunday at First Parish of Northfield, Unitarian, the Chalice Circle service will address the theme of Connection and Community. American society emphasizes the individuality of persons, yet we are also connected to others, participants in community. Mary Bowen will lead this online program of reflection and sharing. Given the rise of the Omicron variant, we will be meeting on Zoom only this Sunday at 10am. Contact to receive the Zoom link. The service will begin at 10 am.

Sunday Services

A Heck of a Way to Stay Warm: Finding Joy and Light in the Cold Cold Covid Winter

On Sunday, January 16, 2022, All Souls Church of Greenfield, Bernardston Unitarian Church, and First Parish Northfield will share services.  Storyteller/Musician John Porcino’s topic is “A Heck of a Way to Stay Warm:  Finding Joy and Light in the Cold Cold Covid Winter”  –  “dedicated to weaving threads of laughter and insight”, hosted by Rob Peck, at 10:30 a.m., via Zoom.  Visit for information. 

Sunday Services

Deeper and Wider

Deeper and Wider Together, Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer.

Join First Parish of Northfield, Unitarian, for a service exploring the ways that religious community can help us deepen and grow in faith (and some ways of thinking about faith and why faith matters). Someone who might describe themselves as “spiritual but not religious” and who also has some curiosity about Unitarian Universalism would find this a great Sunday to visit. Given the rise of the Omicron variant, we will be meeting on Zoom this Sunday at 10am. Contact to receive the Zoom link.

Sunday Services

Be Not Afraid

“Be Not Afraid” … Human nature has a tendency to focus on the negative, the dangerous, the looming disaster. Are things as bad as we sometimes think they are? Or are we willfully blinding ourselves to the amazing progress that humanity has made over the centuries? Lay reader Dan Tinen will address this topic in an online service of the Franklin County Unitarian Universalists at 10:00 AM over Zoom, simulcast on YouTube at Contact to obtain the Zoom link.

Announcements News & Events

Christmas Eve Candlelighting Service … and Caroling!

First Parish is excited to invite members of our community to join us Friday at 4pm, on Christmas Eve, for a carol sing on the front lawn of the church. We will offer hot cider and hot cocoa along with song sheets with the lyrics to some well-loved Christmas carols that we can sing together while appropriately distanced.

During our caroling, we will invite contributions to Loaves and Fishes in support of their work in the community.

At 4:30 pm, anyone who wishes is welcome to join us inside for a 30-minute service of lessons on Christmas including reflections on the enduring power of the “Silent Night” carol. Then we will go back outside to sing “Silent Night” and “Dona Nobis Pacem” by candlelight. People of all ages are welcome and we’d love to have you join us.

We ask all who are attending to take the recommended precautions of keeping social distance and wearing masks. The service is led by Led by Rev. Melissa and Rev. Evin Carvill Ziemer, Rev. Alison Cornish, Ann Linge, and Lynne Walker. [Photo Credit: Paul Franz, Greenfield Recorder]

Sunday Services

In Search of a New Story

We are entering the season of stories: the birth of a child in a manger whose parents are fleeing oppression, sacred oil burning for eight nights, an old miser who is visited by three ghosts, a man who gets to see what life would be like if he’d never been born; classics that have lasted for generations. We live in a time where anything we can imagine can be displayed on screen; but where are the stories that have the meaning and impact to carry us through the issues of our time?

Lay reader Dan Tinen will lead the 10 am service on Sunday, December 19, at First Parish of Northfield, Unitarian. The service will take place both in person and over Zoom. Those in person should wear masks and observe social distancing. The sanctuary has air filters and ventilation.

Contact for the online link. All are welcome!

[Photo Credit: Jill Battaglia]

Announcements News & Events

Auction & Local Food Market

The First Parish Auction & Local Food Market needs your support. Some good stuff on there, like these gift cards to Four Star, Northfield’s own craft brewery that handcrafts its beer with ingredients grown on-site. Lots more to see on our Auction website, check it out!

Sunday Services

We Need One Another

“What can an otter and other assorted woodland creatures teach us about vulnerability and resilience?” Come join us at First Parish, Northfield this Sunday for a service led by Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer for people of all ages to find out. Participants will gather in person or online at 10 am. For the online link, send a request to