Sunday Services

The Pre-Easter Jesus

The Rev. Alison Cornish will lead the Sunday service for First Parish of Northfield, Unitarian, on Easter Sunday. The service will begin at 10 am in person at the church, corner of Parker and Main Streets in Northfield, and on Zoom.

Rev. Cornish describes Sunday’s theme: “In her novel The Book of Longing, author Sue Monk Kidd writes, ‘It has long been a doctrine of the church that Jesus is both fully human and fully divine, but over the centuries his humanity diminished as people accentuated his divinity. Writing from a novelist’s perspective … I was primarily interested in his humanity. And what an extraordinary human being he was.’ In fact, Kidd’s portrayal of Jesus in her wonderful novel is in close alignment with what Unitarians and Universalists have celebrated about Jesus for centuries.”

A story and a craft will be offered by Jenny Wooster for the younger children during the service, after The Story for All Ages. To participate on Zoom, request the link from Masks will be required for those attending the church. All are welcome!

Sunday Services

An Essential Story for Our Time

Freedom is foundational to Unitarian Universalism. We think and talk a lot about theologies of liberation – we know that none of us are free until all of us are free. The stories told in the book of Exodus and in the celebration of Passover have so much to teach all of us about liberation. Join Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer on Sunday April 10, for a service titled “An Essential Story for our Time” to honor and learn from the powerful wisdom of Jewish tradition. This service will be fully multigenerational. People of all ages are invited to join us, in person at First Parish of Northfield, Unitarian, or online via Zoom. The service begins at 10 a.m. For the Zoom link, send an email to

Sunday Services

The Transformational Power of Dream Work

This Sunday, April 3, 10am, at First Parish of Northfield, Unitarian, Lay Reader Dan Tinen will explore some ideas that may help us use our dreams in the service of health and wholeness. The topic will be “The Transformational Power of Dream Work.”

Dan says, “We spend about a third of our lives asleep. And during those daily 6 to 8 hours, all of us have dreams, whether we remember them or not. Powerful images and feelings sometimes arise that we carry with us into our waking hours; some of which we share with all other human beings, and some that are unique to our own consciousness.”

All are welcome to participate at First Parish, at the corner of Parker Ave and Main Street in Northfield, or on Zoom. Contact for the link to join online.

Sunday Services

The Eighth Principle?

Unitarian Universalists come together by way of different paths to affirm and promote our shared commitment to our Seven Principles, which we embrace as strong values and moral guides. In recent years, an Eighth Principle has been proposed, which recognizes the urgency of racial justice issues in our church and in the larger society. Do we need an Eighth Principle focused specifically on action to dismantle racism and other oppressions within ourselves and our institutions?

Come join this timely discussion in a Chalice Circle service at First Parish of Northfield, Unitarian, on Sunday, March 27, at 10:00 a.m. Judy Wagner will lead the service. All are welcome at the church on the corner of Parker and Main Streets and online via Zoom. For the Zoom link send a request to

Sunday Services

Refuse to Be – or Have – an Enemy

In a response to the tensions of war and threat of escalation, Eveline MacDougall will lead the Sunday service at First Parish of Northfield, Unitarian, on Sunday, March 20. She will weave together music, poetry, story, and a sermon titled “Refuse to Be – or Have – an Enemy” during the 10 a.m. hybrid service, in person and on Zoom. The music will include a composition for violin by Ms. MacDougall, a traditional folk tune she will play on the alto recorder, and poetry and lyrics by Linda Hirschhorn, Salvador Cardenal, and Joan Baez. All are welcome at the church on the corner of Parker Avenue and Main Street in Northfield, or on Zoom. For the Zoom link, contact

Sunday Services

Our True Nature is Interdependent

Thich Nhat Hanh often said that to be means to “interbe.” On March 13 at First Parish of Northfield, Unitarian, we will remember from whence we come, celebrate our interdependence, and consider again what this truth might mean for the way we live our lives. Our service, titled “Our True Nature is Interdependent” and led by Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer, is being created with people of all ages in mind. You are warmly invited to join us in person at the church on the corner of Main Street and Parker Avenue in Northfield or online by Zoom at 10am this Sunday. Don’t forget the time change! Send a message to to receive the Zoom link for the service.

Sunday Services

Love Wins

First Parish of Northfield, Unitarian, will join All Souls Church of Greenfield and Bernardston Unitarian in a service presented by songwriter Harold Payne titled “Love Wins” on Sunday, March 6, 2022 at 10:30 a.m. on Zoom.

Rob Peck of All Souls will host Mr. Payne in this service of music and message, balancing moving lyrics with concrete steps to help us all tone down rhetoric and turn up civility.

Harold Payne is a multi-platinum songwriter and TEDx speaker.  Artists who’ve covered his material range all the way from Peter Paul & Mary to Snoop Dogg. A long time collaborator with Bobby Womack, Harold’s songs have also been recorded by Rod Stewart, Patti LaBelle, and the Temptations.

Email for the Zoom link. All are welcome!

Sunday Services


This Sunday’s online service at First Parish of Northfield, Unitarian, will explore the topic of “Interdependence.” This will be a Chalice Circle service beginning at 10 am. with Ann Linge leading meditation and discussion on the ways people and events are connected by ties of feeling and mutual influence. Each one’s being has meaning for every other one. The service is open to all. To participate, by Zoom video conference, request the link by email to

Sunday Services

Heart Centered Kirtan

Sunday Services

Let Love Be Messy

Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer will lead the 10 am service on this theme for First Parish of Northfield, Unitarian, this Sunday, February 13. “As the calendar turns toward Valentine’s Day, our worship service this Sunday will be all about the life giving, life affirming, life saving power of love. I’ve got a wonderful story to share with people of all ages by Matt de la Peña, inspiring music, a chance to practice ‘lectio divina’ with moving poetry and a short message to offer too.” Our service will be at 10am and we will be gathering on Zoom. For the link to participate in the service send a request to All are welcome!