Sunday Services

Joy: The Uncommon Religious Value

Continuing the October theme at First Parish of Northfield, Unitarian, The Rev. Alison Cornish will conduct this week’s service on “Joy: The Uncommon Religious Value” at 10 am Sunday, October 24. Describing the service, she says, “It’s fair to ask, given the steady stream of bad news that is delivered every day, what’s there to be joyful about? But what if the source of joy is embedded in our religious practices? And what if embracing joy is actually key to addressing the most stubborn of the ills we face in the world today? Come, let us rejoice, and strive to heal the world, too!”

Jenny Wooster will be leading RE this Sunday, as an all-ages group. After the Story for All Ages, children and youth will plant bulbs, and do other movement-based activities, so they can stay warm on a chilly Sunday morning!

The service will take place at the church, outdoors as weather permits, and by online videoconference. Send an email message fo to obtain the Zoom link. [Photo Credit: Fiona Bird]

By First Parish Northfield, Unitarian

First Parish Northfield, Unitarian (Massachusetts)