
Revised Covid Protocol at First Parish

Covid Statement:

First Parish Unitarian, Northfield, MA is happy to announce that we have resumed hybrid services (in person and on Zoom) in September 2021 and we will follow these guidelines:

1. We urge everyone who is eligible and able to get vaccinated for COVID to do so, and we offer our help to anyone who needs assistance in finding or accessing an appropriate vaccine. 

2. We request that everyone wear masks (if possible) in order to protect those are especially vulnerable, including our younger children who are not yet vaccinated.

3. We will meet outside weather permitting. When we meet indoors, some windows in the sanctuary will be open to improve airflow and reduce viral transmission. We are currently studying if other ventilation/ air filtering measures are necessary.

4. A remote option via Zoom will be offered for each service for those who wish to attend from home.

5. We will hold off on singing and opt to provide music via the web to reduce transmission and provide quality audio to our remote participants.

6. Coffee hour will not take place until conditions permit.

7.  We will monitor changing conditions and follow UUA guidance as well as local, state, and federal recommendations. A new committee – consisting of Jenny Wooster, Paul Bocko and Mike La Rue – will make any short-term Covid decisions for the church, if changing local conditions should require them.

Sept. 28, 2021

By First Parish Northfield, Unitarian

First Parish Northfield, Unitarian (Massachusetts)